4 Simple Rules to Master Networking with People

Building a career is not only done by constantly working. There are many other things you must do to be able to develop the career you dream of. In this article, we will show you the 4 simple rules to networking with people.

networking with people

In addition to training yourself so that you can continue to grow, another thing that is no less important in developing a career is expanding your professional circle; one of them is by doing social networking.

The power of a social network may be more than you ever imagined. In the world of work, even though you have higher ability, you may have fewer opportunities than your colleagues who are slightly lower in capacity than you but have a much more comprehensive social network.

So, never underestimate social networking. You must continue to expand it as you improve your abilities. Building social networking is basically the same as building relationships in general, where you connect with people you like or admire.

Still, confused about how to build social networking? Here are four things about networking with people that you must know!

4 to Master Networking with People

1. Focus on Personal Branding

Before you expand social networking, you should prepare yourself first. You must know what kind of person you are to get acquainted with many people. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t be yourself, but strengthening personal branding is also essential in the professional world.

You should also prepare technical matters when attending events that will allow you to expand social networking for your career, such as preparing a business card. When you already have the preparation to expand networking with people, that’s a sign that you are also ready to develop your career.

Attending an event that has the aim of helping the participants to expand network of people is indeed very important and will undoubtedly be very helpful.

However, you must have your own mindset about where you can build a social network. You have to think that you can build social networking wherever you can and wherever you want.

This way, of course, will make it easier for you.

Not only in a formal networking event, but through parties and casual get-togethers, you can talk about your career and job. Entering a chat about work means that you have expanded social networking that can help develop your career.

2. Make use of Social Media

In the past, someone was acquainted and could only exchange information about phone numbers and email addresses. But times have changed now, and you can exchange many contacts, one of which is social media.

Don’t hesitate to use this technological advancement to help you build networking with people. If you come to a more formal career networking event, connecting via Twitter or Linkedin could be your choice. However, if the event is less formal and more friendship-oriented, then Instagram is the right choice to connect.

Keeping in touch through social media will keep people in your mind. So if they have a chance, they will remember to offer you first before anyone else.

But there are things you should always keep in mind if you want social media as a tool to help you expand your connections for the sake of your career. Make sure that you are a person who uses social media wisely. You certainly don’t want social media to become the material for your negative assessment.

And also, think about your security. Since you’ll be going online for a long time, it’s wise to think about an additional layer of protection. It’s best to hide your IP, which is vital information about you. Use high-quality VPNs to ensure you’ll always have the best quality services in desperate times.

3. Connect with Everyone

The more people you meet, the more opportunities you have to expand network of people. Participating in various activities that are related or not related to your work will open up the opportunity for you to meet more people. Take part in various activities, and don’t hesitate to get to know everyone you meet.

You can also start with small things, such as getting to know people you often meet while jogging in the morning in your neighborhood or chatting with someone you meet in the elevator of the building where you work.

Not everyone indeed has a connection with your work and career, but that person may have a link that can ultimately help you and your career. The point is that you don’t have to choose a certain type of person to build networking with people and connect with everyone you meet.

4. Achieve more recognition by Helping others

Never assume that expanding social networking is just for the sake of your own career and neglecting the opportunity to help many people. You may not be the first person to benefit from a relationship, but never hesitate to help.

When you hear that someone in your network is looking for a job and you know that someone else in your network is qualified, don’t hesitate to recommend that person.

If this step is successful and it turns out that both of them are compatible, of course, both parties will be very grateful to you. You can also conclude that your efforts to expand social networking are helpful for yourself and the people in your social network.

Utilizing social networking to develop a career may not be done by everyone. Some people do not feel suitable and are not good at expanding network of people, so they choose other ways to develop their careers even though that way is more complicated.

However, if you do, you will know that it is one of the fun things that can make your career grow.

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